The Road to Hill 4-11

----- Original Message -----
Subject: The road to Hill 411

I was with the 137th Engineer Co. L.E. combat engineers 9/70-10/71 my co. built a road from the air strip in Quang Naig City to hill 411 we went around the Mountianyard villiage they had a pluangie pit around the villiage.I drove a scraper a big earth mover one day you guys were headen for the hill i stoped and loaded at least a dozen on my scraper. We had 4 of them and we got all of you guys on i helped the RTO man with his pack it almost pulled me off my tractor .Yall were some happy grunts that day. Iam from Alvarado Tx. a friend that i groug up with named Jackie England was in C co. i think I know he was on his 2nd tour he was wounded on his 1st tour . He made it home and is still around Alvarado. Some of engineers stayed a week or so working on that trail you called a road on hill 411  Larry Campbell